Coast Testimonial: Tristate Plumbing
"We now have timely data about who's filling up with gas, how frequently they're filling up with gas, and we're able to have controls in place so that we don't have to find out retroactively that we're overspending on gas."

Will Breslaw

COO, Tristate Plumbing

Coast Customer: Gillette Airconditioning
"I had an employee come in who had a card stolen. Within two minutes, I had turned off the old card, assigned them a new card, and they had already gotten a text that the new card was active. The product speaks for itself."

Katelyn Machen

HR Manager, Gillette Air Conditioning

Coast Testimonial: Texas Solar Outfitters
"The Coast portal is very intuitive. You can put vehicles in. You can put personnel in. You can put limitations on those accounts, and it's easy to come back in and make changes."

Stewart Masterson

President, Texas Solar Outfitters

Coast Testimonial: Cam Energy
"After seven years, [our previous fuel card company] still wanted to charge us a high risk fee, and they weren’t budging on it. Switching to Coast saved us $1600 dollars a month."

Christian S.

Manager, CAM Energy

Will Breslaw
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Katelyn Machen
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Stewart Masterson
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Christian S.
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